Nini Hamrick Featured in the Business Insider AI 100

Nini Hamrick Featured in the Business Insider AI 100

Our president, Nini Hamrick, was recently recognized by Business Insider. From The AI 100 2023: The top people in artificial intelligence:

Our list includes people who are not only pushing the boundaries of the field but also those who are trying to ensure AI develops steadily and responsibly.

As an intelligence officer, Hamrick spent seven years working on counterterrorism missions, including embedding with the US military overseas. She saw intelligence officers manually sifting through masses of information, often in other languages or hard-to-access formats. Vannevar’s Decrypt service uses machine learning, computer vision, and other AI technologies to automate and speed up data collection and analysis. The startup’s focus is on national security and strategic competition with nation-states. “Decrypt collects overseas information that would otherwise be hard for military teams to access directly in areas around the world that are increasingly contested,” she said in a recent interview.

Check out the rest of the article on Business Insider.

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