Silicon Valley & The U.S. Government: Vannevar Labs' Brett Granberg on Stanford Seminar Series

Silicon Valley & The U.S. Government: Vannevar Labs' Brett Granberg on Stanford Seminar Series

Our CEO Brett Granberg recently appeared on a Stanford seminar series discussing what he’s learned about collaborating with the U.S. government on defense technology.

You can watch the interview on Youtube. From the description:

This session is part of the “Silicon Valley & The U.S. Government” speaker series co-led by Ernestine Mak, Steve Blank, Paul Kwan, and Joe Felter.

Silicon Valley collaborations with the U.S. government have led to some of the most important technologies in our society. Driven by visionary leaders, these collaborations have overcome regulatory, business, and technological challenges to achieve exceptional innovation. The results of these innovations have addressed national issues and societal challenges. “

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